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RSS Asdqwe678

Reward Points:92
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2 points

Does God exist ? No, well at least I don't think so , but does Jesus exist ? Maybe , but he should be remembered as history and not advocated into beliefs , people should let go of this because its just another illusion to make you believe there's is another exit or make you feel like you are not alone , but in fact your soul dies with you when your time comes , and all you can do is just close your eyes and wait for it , surely you can hold your family's hands and pray , but that does not do anything but to make everyone even sadder and you are still all alone .

Maybe the fact was that "they just want to remember him forever" then people took it the wrong way and made him God and started worshiping him .

Why can't he just be remembered ? why does he have to be worshiped?

I asked my mother(who believes in Buddha) the same,but she replies

"because some people actually saw them,gave them a hand when they're in the need of it .",then she asked me not discuss this any further because this may offend someone .

So should I believe anything just because some people may or may not experienced ? I don't think so , you can't be serious just to believe it because your friends or neighborhoods told you so, because if you do then you aren't believing anything but following blindfold .

I'll believe all this when I actually see it with my own eyes , awake , not heard it or saw it from some people or books , or even from the dreams .

(Please forgive me if there's any mistakes in my comment , English wasn't my first language)

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"Don't mind me ... I'm just observing people arguing ... in that corner over there ..."

Biographical Information
Name: Paul 
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Taiwan
Education: High School

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