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RSS Ruweyda

Reward Points:1
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2 points

In today's modern society, everybody has an answer to every question. If one was to ask 'How is anything on Earth possible if not brought possible by the grace of God?' The answer would be simple: SCIENCE. I understand why people may not believe in God for the simple fact that if there is a God, why has God chosen to bring: famine,poverty,crime,violence and endless other things that makes us lose hope in humanity each and every day but God did not ask you to go and commit a crime, God did not ask you to spend your money on funding a war that seems to never end, God never asked you to start a war which resulted in war,famine and poverty. God has blessed you with all the things you need to stop these things. God has given a functioning brain to use for good, to come up with new and improved ways to help one another. You were never given a brain to invent weapons but to fight against disease like Cancer and Ebola. We could all sit there at our computers screen or our mobile phones and blame God for the things that we as humans have caused but at the end of the day, the world is still the same place it was before you started typing. Only us as humans have the ability to get up and change the world that we are so unhappy about that we have resorted to blaming God because we gave up on trying to fix it.

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