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RSS PhantomRed

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2 points

If you ask most people whether they believe in Unicorns, or Gnomes, they will almost always say they don't.

When you ask them why, they'll usually say that they haven't seen Unicorns or Gnomes before and that there isn't any evidence that they are real.

You'll get the same answer and justification if you bring up gods like Zeus, or Ra, or Mithras, or Odin. These mythical gods are more than fairy tales - people genuinely held beliefs in them -- and yet the majority of people now reject them.

Why can't the same logic be applied to God?

All theists are left with at this point is their scripture. Most often, the Bible.

When you ask someone to defend the divine authority of the Bible, guess what they invoke? Oh yeah, the Bible.

The Bible is true because the Bible says the Bible is true. Totally checks out.


We have evolved to attribute phenomenon we see to humans or living entities. If we thought the noise in the grass was a lion, and it was, we were safe. If it wasn't, it didn't matter. If we thought the noise in the grass was the wind, and it was a lion, we were screwed. (essentially this is Pascal's wager). Those who attributed what they saw around them to conscious behavior survived more often, so they eventually took over the gene pool. We are the descendents of those people.

This lead to organized religion, leading to indoctrination, leading to the billions of blind followers we see today.

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