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RSS Apologetics7

Reward Points:33
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5 points

Not true. I dont believe in God to feel good but because I know there is a God and has searched for a God and has found him. I dont just fake belief in God but want to have a good relationship with God. God is proven true through his son Jesus.There is truth out there but you cant just disregard truth based on what you feel is True. You just need more truth and better reasoning and may want to consider to search for a God. Because if you play the game "oh maybe God is real" then your playing a dangerous game. Because if God is real and you havent gotten Right with God through his son then your going to Hell. A Righteous God must send all Unrighteous to Hell. You can only be justified through his son. If you really care about the truth then you will really search for God sincerely.

4 points

There is a God for sure. The perfection of the things out here had to be created with an intelligent mind. No way a big bang made everything perfect and reasonably stable. "The Big Bang" started with one atom? The explosion from one Atom would only have enough force to create a nuclear explosion without not create a whole Universe with perfect life on Earth. You cannot disprove the existence of God. Ceasar only has 3 eyewitnesses of his Existence which then clarifies his existence but Jesus 18 eyewitnesses of his Existence and you still can't believe? Jesus had been proven to be the son of God. There is no good reason for Athiesm to be true. The proof of Jesus is the proof of God's existence. They definitely did not make up the stories of Jesus. All of the Canon(66 books in the Bible) agrees within its self. For example; Luke will give another perspective of Jesus in the same event as what Matthew wrote. Athiest say that the Gospels contradict each other but it actually appears to contradict each but it does not. Apparent contradictions are good to see from different eyewitnesses because if they said the same event exactly the same then it would appear that they set up a made up story. But you can put the perspectives of different eyewitnesses stories into one. Just like there can be 4 witnesses of a wonderful BBQ. One can talk about the grass, one can talk about the Chicken,one can talk about the salad, and one can talk about the fireworks. Each testimony may not talk about the same things about the BBQ nor have the same order but if you put all of the 4 testimonies together you will then get a full picture of the BBQ. They may even address what the other testimonies did address also but in a different way. Ok you get the point. The Bible is proven true through Archaeology and reason. God is proven true through the ressurection of his son Jesus. Prophecy proves the Bible to be true. Science and God agrees with each other. We dont agree with the Atheistic philosophy of science. If you come at the right approach then you will understand that science proves God. "There is no good reason for Athiesm to be true." William Lane Craig stated. I completely agree on that statement from Craig.

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About Me

"Hi I am 16 years old and recieved Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 12 years old."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Protestant
Education: High School

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