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A Civil Religious Debate

Winovertruth's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Winovertruth's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

you take the scientific community as a source of truth. This is an appeal to authority, who are abstract and undefined. It lends discrete if one believes them relevant to the truth of the proposed statement, but i do not believe that this abstract entity has any relevance to this argument. To be more clear, this scientific community has about as much possibility as god.

1 point

this does nothing to disprove the existence of a god. an explanation for why such a concept may have been created does not disprove the god.

1 point

of course he does, he is non-existing, therefore asking whether or not he exists is pointless. You cannot ask if an incorporeal thing exists, since by its definition, it does not.

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