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A Civil Religious Debate

AveSatanas's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AveSatanas's arguments, looking across every debate.

You claimed you can't define things into existence. Liberals defined extra genders into existence

Why do you think i believe the same thing doesnt apply to them? Because youre a hack and a troll.

Its actually really funny the amount i actually agree with conservative trolls on this site but theyre just knee-jerk reactionary retards and total partisan hacks that they get 50 steps ahead of themselves

I hate islam way more than christianity. Difference is i run into 1 muslim for every 345654645 christians in my day to day life. Its the most pervasive religion in the country in terms of its influence on government and society. It immediately impacts me in real life. Islam just doesnt. But i recognize just objectively looking at christianity and islam in a vaccum of course islam is fucking monsterous compared to christianity.

That doesnt even make grammatical sense you moron. Extra genders are a cop out of what?

And its cute how you just assume I believe all of these social justice things by default like a partisan hack.

I believe extra genders are bullshit along with feminism and islam is a cancer on the planet and needs to die in any and all forms.

But if by "left wing islam" you mean "peaceful" islam then yeah it clearly does exist. Muslims in the US have one of the lowest crime rates in the country per 1000. Because theyre mostly secularized. They are mostly muslim by culture not by religious belief. Like most christians and jews. They call themselves christians and jews but never go to church or read the bible and they just celebrate the major holidays.

And then theres ahmadis who are a very very small sect of islam who are 100% non violent pacifists. Kind of like Buddhists. But i would also argue their religion has had so much alteration from fundamentalist sunni islam that its pretty much its own religion apart from islam at this point.

Its called nuance. You can say that islam itself is a shit religion that breeds hate, violence, real sexism, ect. While also recognizing that there are people who neuter their own religion and cherry pick out the bad stuff and live like normal people.

Thats a bullshit cop out and you know it. Youre just playing word games. You cant just define things into existence.

I could easily say Zeus is equal to truth. if you deny the existence of zeus you deny the existence of truth.

to which you would say "nu uh zeus isnt truth". and then the argument just regresses to "nu uh" "yeah huh" "nu uh".

Nevermind the fact that "truth" is just a concept invented by humans. Its a label assigned to statements. God is not a proposition its a single noun.

God creates plants before the light needed to sustain them. The world never flooded. Bushes can't speak. Etc.etc.etc

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

You're a fucking idiot. Get your dense religious ass out of this cite for intellectual debate.

You didn't answer the question.

It wasn't worth answering.

You said you would prefer being in Hell over being in Heaven with God.

If your god exists in the same way the bible describes him then yes I would rather be in hell than heaven with a monster who thinks a just punishment for incredulity is eternal torture.

God determines when your time is over, if you want I can pray that you get your wish.

And I can talk to my cat. We will get the same results.

Why should I care where you are going if you don't care....

Now you're getting it!

you want an eternity void of anything good from God, void of any sign that He is good, so why not ask me to pray that God give it to you quickly so you don't have to sit there and whine about your problems and smoke your brains out trying to live in a different reality?

It's not that I want hell. You misunderstand. If the options are either spend eternity kissing the ass of a monstrous being who would punish people with eternal hellfire for sins as unharmful as incredulity toward him, or eternity separated from that monster, I would of course choose the latter. Thing is, those aren't the options. As much as you believe they are. I don't think we go ANYWHERE when we die. You go in the dirt and your consciousness ends. That's it. So because of that I want to live my life on earth to the fullest. You see if this life is all I have, as I believe it is, then I have everything to live for. But if you believe you're going to an eternal paradise of love and rainbows and whatever then why don't YOU pray for YOU to die soon so you can skip this mortal coil and live in paradise?

The only passive aggressive threat being made is your passive-aggressiveness against God.

No you literally said you'll pray for me to die. That's all you asshole

On one hand, you say you want eternity without any sign of His goodness in the fire of Hell,

You can't have a god who has goodness as a quality but created a pit of fire for tossing sinful humans into. Those two things are totally contradictory.

and on the other hand you hate Him and want Him to be gone now.

I don't hate him, I just don't think he exists. But if we're assuming he exists for the sake of argument then yes I think he's a pretty horrible and unjust being worthy of disfavor.

You are committing a slow suicide, trying to forget time by smoking your brains out before time is all gone.

Life is a slow suicide.

If you want, I can pray that God will give you what you want without dragging time through a joint.

Why would I want to die? Your premise makes no sense.

Why don't you man up to your own words and ask me to pray God give you what you really want now?

Why don't you man up and quit believing in fucking fairy tales you brainwashed cunt?

Smoke a joint, chicken, and enjoy it while you can. You can't make God go away, you are only making yourself go to Hell....and God sent me here to try to talk some sense into you so you stop killing yourself and you just want to blow smoke at the messenger to kill my brain the way yours is being killed.

And you can't make god exist. As much as you want it to be true.

You're a pusher, do you know that? A pusher....dope head pusher pushing dope, and you think Hell does not have extra punishments for you?

I don't even sell weed lol. And if your god would punish someone for selling a plant on earth then your god is even more monstrously unjust then I first thought. You're a pusher. A pusher of nonsense. A pusher of idiotic myths. A pusher of an archaic view of reality that is at odds with all scientific progress in the last 1000 years. You're pushing a drug even more potent that marijuana. It's the opiate of the people. You spread your nonsense religion and suck people into abandoning rationality and abandoning a reasonable view of reality in favor of comforting stories and fairy tales and an imaginary friend who will hold your hand through life. Well wake up fuckhead. Nobody is holding your hand. Nobody is pulling the cosmic strings of your life. You're not that important. Get over yourself oh mighty messenger

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

The bones do not have ever increasingly human body structure

Yes they do. They show evidence of bipedal movement. The jaw structure changes. The hand structures change. The skull cavity gets larger and extends foward to house a larger frontal lobe. All of these things consistently change between hominids from different points in time.

They are dead. They are bones.

And? Just because they're dead and bones doesn't mean we can't learn shit from them.

If they are not human bones, they are dead bones which are only a pile of dead bones, not a pile of dead bones morphing into humans.

But if you have a skeleton from 2 million years ago, one from 1.5 million years ago, one from 1 million years ago, one from 500,000 years ago and one from today you can clearly see how these species continued to change in many ways over such a long period of time.

All you are doing is trying to convince yourself that your life is justified and your moral failures are meaningless

I don't need to prove shit to myself. I'm showing you that your "all atheists are immoral" belief is flat out wrong and has zero basis in reality.

....and then blame God who you say is not there for all of your problems.

I have never once blamed an imaginary character for my mistakes or other bad things that happen. But religion in general and Christianity in general can cause atrocities to occur absolutely.

You are setting yourself against God and losing the battle, but somehow the dope you smoke keeps you from seeing that you are winning nothing in death and losing everything in Hell which is the only place sin can be contained by everlasting fire.

I don't believe God or hell exists so that's a pretty empty threat. I smoke weed because it feels nice to relax every so often.

Laugh now, smoke another joint, and tell yourself how great you are if that's the way you want to go out.

That sounds like the best way to go out. Would you rather go out hating yourself and believing you're just a worthless little sinning piece of shit? That just sounds miserable. No wonder you hate most things that are fun in this world.

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Jackass is an appropriate word, and I will not consider it as cussing or I would not respond to you in any detail.

Wait, so we get to decide what is and isnt a cussword? Then i dont consider tittyfucker a cussword so thats what ill call you now. Do you like that tittyfucker?

You indeed are as stubborn as a mule,

Well every time i read your arguments i go "HE-HAW!"

and I guess I can understand because you are afraid to be honest in admitting your moral depravity.

I'm an eagle scout in the BSA with over 200 hours of community service. K bud

It's ok, God knows what you did and He still loves you. He loves you so much that He died in your place, paid your price, so that in His resurrection you can be forgiven of the sins He died for, and that was for all of your sins....all your dirty deeds and evil doings, He died for them, to save you from Hell, because even though you were at enmity with Him, He loved you and still loves you.

Oh sweet then im good then. Brb gonna shoot up a planned parenthood

How about i prove i exist by mailing you an ounce of that dank OG Kush? And its funny, if im going to hell then i have everything to live for and should cherish every second of life. But you go to a better place than this. So why dont you wanna just off yourself and claim your prize?

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

So IM the disrespectful one who is harassing YOU but you literally just made a passive aggressive death threat? Lol ok kid

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Digging up thousands of bones with similar DNA and ever increasingly human body structures is.

bones are only bones. they are not your relatives

Lol thats literally EXACTLY what they are.

if they are your relatives you should show some respect and bury the bones properly and leave them alone

That would certainly be convenient for your worldview wouldnt it? Sorry digging up 2 million year old hominids doesnt really pull any heartstrings with serious scientists. But its interesting you say that. Our early ancestors actually did bury their dead. Weve found human bones from over 10,000 years ago buried in positions with flowers and other tools. People buried their dead long before christianity came along.

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

I'm already better than your god. I can speak, reason, engage in conversation, provide evidence, provide data, and I clearly exist in reality. Your god can do none of these things. If you'd rather remain skeptical about every human discovery in history no matter how undeniably proven they are in favor of a book written by men who understood not even 5% of what we know now then that's totally your call. Just don't act like I'M the jackass for using the brain your supposed god gave me.

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

How about you prove a god even fucking exists? Of course im better than your god. I EXIST. i win by default.

Correction: I say that heaven and hell and your creator don't exist. I say they have no basis in reality and no evidence to indicate their existence.

If you think it's logical that a creator would provide no evidence that he exists except for one holy book out of thousands that bare striking resemblance to it, and then burn people for eternity for not be living in it then you are the one that is stupid.

Lol are you really saying cursing leads to tooth loss? Do you get all your dental expertise from the bible? Because that's fucking stupid.

If it's so stupid then dispute it you bitch. Make an argument

Liar! How could you have read the WHOLE bible? You probably read the third grader version of the bible because that is the only level you understand

You caught me. You totally know my life and what i have and havent done, man youre good.

No you dumbfuck, ive read the entire KJV bible cover to cover, read the skeptics annotated one for clarification on some confusing parts, and have read articles by bible scholars and historians.

And tell me where the "fabrications and errors" are. I can explain it to your third grader mind even if I am only 13 years old.


The census that caused Joseph and Mary to return home never happened. We have historical records of all of the censuses the romans conducted and not one happened at that supposed times in those areas.

There is no record of the entire Egyptian army and Phoaroh dying as the chased a million jews across the floor of the Red Sea. And no record of any number of unenslaved jews living in Egypt in the first place.

The Earth was never flooded, geological and archeological analysis confirm this as well as common sense..

Light cant come before the Sun. Genesis is also completely wrong on so many other levels that should be obvious.

The Nile never turned to blood at any time. Its impossible, and it would require the entire ocean that feeds it to turn to blood too, which there is no record of from any nation bordering it.

People never have, nor ever will live to the extreme ages the bible says people do.

And so on and so forth. Go ahead, try to prove all of these baseless things are truth. I need a good laugh

Science has proven the bible to be possibly correct in the assumption of Genesis and the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Things dont poof into existence, light cant come before the sun, heaven cant be scientifically tested for. Your statement is flat out wrong.

In fact bible says 6,000 years old our earth is

am i debating yoda?

But scientist say we are 4.5 billion as with the planets in our system. Titan cannot be 4.5 billion years old because of one simple reason. Methane still exists on the surface of titan which defies all known laws of physics and chemical properties.

Is Titan a planet? No. It's a moon. Moons form, it comparison to full planets, very fast. Also, scientists dont claim that every planet in our solar system is 4.5 billion years old. They all have different time spans of origin.

And methane does not defy the laws of physics and chemical properties. if it did it wouldnt exist. Hey, kinda like god. He defies those things too.

We all know that solar radiation turns methane into ethane when collided. Ethane being heavier will sink to the surface so after 4.5 billion years there should be no methane on Titan only ethane due to the solar wind. The Hugyens lander landed on Titan in 2005 and made a discovery that still has NASA stumped today. There is no ocean of ethane as predicted from known and recorded methane and solar bombardment. No ethane at all for a moon billions of years old. After only 50 million years the methane of Titan should have been depleted. This scientific data points to a much younger Titan of 5 to 8 thousand years old verses 4.5 billion. This is properly in line with biblical scripture from Genesis.

aaaaand.....? So we dont know something about the universe. Shocker!! We dont know alot of things, but you know what we do know? That there's an explaination for them. A NATURAL explaination for them. Just because we dont understand something does not automatically mean God did it, that is an argument from ignorance. Holes in science are filled with more science.

In my own curiosity i searched the internet for your supposed theory and found no such great NASA scandal, which shows that it was either solved and you werent informed, it isnt nearly as significant as youve made it out to be or were told it was, or it just isnt true.

As for being in line with genesis. Genesis ONLY talks about the creation of Earth. NOT Saturns moon of Titan. So really your evidence says nothing about biblical scripture. Its irrelivant. There is no great scandal with how Earth was created, we know it is 14 billion years old and we have found zero evidence to indicate that it isnt so, and certainly that it is somehow a puny fraction of that time at just 10,000 years old.

And even if it WAS 10,000 years old Genesis would still be wrong for countless other reasons.

1) 2000 years ago with nobody being literate, how did it get written by average joe disciples?

2) The fact that their isnt exact translations and misinfomation has been added countless times only slidifes the point that it is not a trustworthy source of information. It is the only source of information on God, his laws, Jesus, ect and its FLAWED. That's a big deal.

3) This being said, how can a god expect every human to take it seriously and believe in it when he's let it degrade so much that we dont even know what he might have meant?

4) "thats an edit humans made" it was written by humans to begin with thus making its authenticy debatable from the start.

5) Theres more than 10 commandments clearly yet none of them outlaw slavery or rape and many of them include death sentances. And ALL of them reflect the desires of MEN and not what an all powerfull god would decree.

6) No i sincerely reject the notion that any supreme being exists. I dont believe any interpretation of any god.

2 points

Isn't that the point of voting? Just to pop a point to a person you agree with? So what if my argument was a sentence or an essay, people agree ie: up votes. Just because theists often post unpointworthy arguments doesn't mean we're ruining the site.

AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Okay we'll to clairify I am not any kind of theist or deist. Just 100% non believer. But I do hold satanic philosophy to heart and I talk all about this in my YouTube video. If you ever have any questions I'll be happy to answer here or in my YouTube vids

Not at all, im a hardcore atheist . There might be some confusion because i talk about god in a hypothetical sense.

2 points

When you're writing a book you can do anything. You can fullfill any prophecy. For example, it was prophesized in James Patterson's The Witch and Wizard series that two witches would come along and save the world. Well James Patterson made up that prophecy and he wrote the book and fullfulled it himself later in the book. There was always a 100% chance that the prophecy would be fullfilled because HE wrote it.

Also, lets prophecies can be written backwards. The bible was edited and altered hundreds of times. So, lets say there was a battle that happened in 50AD and someone writes it down in a book. Well someone else can go BACK to the earlier parts of the book that were written about 12BC and add in "And there was prophecised that there would be a great battle in 62 years". And when you read it in full you see the prophecy in 12BC and it comes true later in the book!!! Meraculous right? No. It was just added in backwards to make it seem like it came true.

Im not saying that ALL the prophecies are done like this, but probably many are. Either that or theyre just all 100% made up. Yeah, thats probably more accurate.

Also, how many times do i have to tell you that these statistics are made up bullshit? The sites you get these from base them off nothing. How can you test the probability of a magic pony flying over the moon in 30 years? You cant. It is a totally random event that defies physics and mathematics. This is the same as saying "whats the probability of Jesus turning water into wine?" Well that is physically impossible and theres no way to test any probability of that whatsoever. the stats youre posting are bullshit.

Also, the probability of him fulfilling prophecies in the bible are 100%. Biblically speaking the prophecies are made in the OT and are "fullfilled" in the NT. So thats 100%. See what i mean? Theres no chance test. But theyre of course all made up bullshitted fakes so it doesnt really matter.

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