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A Civil Religious Debate

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 What bad belief causes the most problems? (2)

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atypican(4875) pic

What bad belief causes the most problems?

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3 points

Most problems are caused by belief in one's own superiority. Thin people think that they are superior to fat people because thinness is societally accepted. Young people think that they are better than old people because they've more to look forward to, whereas old people think they're better than young people people they won't be inheriting this broken world. Muslims think that they are superior than Christians because Christians are infidels; Christians think that they are better than Muslims because Muslims are infidels. Atheists think that they are better than everybody because society tells them that theism is fantasy, whereas all religious people think they are superior than atheists because at least they've a chance, however slim, at avoid hellfire. White people think that they are better than black people because they have for so long had a far more advanced civilization. Blacks think they are better than whites because they... I'm lost on this one. The mother with child thinks she is better than the barren woman because she is providing a future for the human race, whereas the barren woman thinks she is better than the mother-with-child because her descendants won't be curs'd to grow up in this hellhole called earth.

If people would just treat each other as equals, no matter their condition in life, everybody would be much better off. Both the people being hated, for being hated is never a good feeling, and the people hating, for hatred is a damaging emotion for its bearer.

Side: Superiority
2 points

In my opinion an incorrect belief about God causes the most problems. If there is no God than all things are permissible and if it is a god of our own making (false religion) then that god will justify what ever we want. No matter what side of the horse we fall off of we end up in the same place, all things are permissible, even a sense of superiority. One just has a second level of false authority, our god said it was okay or we are better than them because we follow the right god.

A correct theology always leads to a correct anthropology, distort the one and you distort the other. A correct theology naturally leads to the conclusion that " all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

It's hard to find a justification for personal superiority in those words because those rights were properly grounded in their true source. And those rights give no room to treat your neighbor unjustly. But what would happen to those rights if you removed the source or replaced it with another source? your rights would vanish and all things would become permissible. Well almost, we are moral absolutist when we are the victim and moral relativist when we are the perpetrator. But a God who holds us accountable is something we most certainly don't want because He always gets in the way of what we want. Because correct theology also leads to correct conduct.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27

Side: incorrect belief about God