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A Civil Religious Debate

Runderekrun's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Runderekrun's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Christians have more doubt than everything added about their god,i have sold stolen goods to them,where a muslim has walked away,but they have all their doubt in themselves cause they know they arent good.christians living a good just life so they must make up for it by preaching their filthy diahrea up all our asses and they just cannot concept that 1 plus 1 equals 2,but bash it in at a young age/spastic(if of age)and teach them that 1 plus 1 equals 1million miracles,now FUCKOFF

-1 points

Shamael,fuck off dont preach,just prove,i can prove there is no god next sunday by walking in a church and let of a bomb,so why would tour god let all the ones who survive live with pain and that it happened in the safest place on earth,fuck off

Fucked up dickhead,i dont think you will read the bible,i read it and then burnt it,and i will read it again and burn it once again,miracles today spastic,arent you living a shit life so you may have eternal life,so why any miracles today,must be for us no believers,as you dont need a miracle,you already believe,thick skull/little brain.

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