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A Civil Religious Debate

Joecavalry's Waterfall RSS

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joecavalry(40131) Clarified
4 points

I was going to say, "Free stuff/presents!!!" but that's more than one word, so... ;)

Just one word, "Christmas!!!" ;)

Hey wanna join? We are having a two for one deal this week ;)

Does this include liberalism? ;)

Do grammar Nazis fall under this category ;)

The atheists' nemesis. ;)

joecavalry(40131) Clarified
1 point

Wow! So by this definition, joe_cavalry can be considered a religion..., since it is already a way of life ;)

How about:



This sounds like a Steven Spielberg movie that takes place on Witch mountain ;-)

Would there be any tentacle sex in his version? There is in mine ;)

Sure, why not. Maybe we're like robots are to us and then they had this "Are they a real/valid life form?" and there were like protests and cops bashing heads and finally their supreme court said that we have to live on our own until they decide if we can be considered legit beings. I don't think we're doing to good ;)

I just want to know if modern humans are version 1.0 and everything before was just beta ;)

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