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A Civil Religious Debate

Trudistian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Trudistian's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

No, I'm saying that an omnipotent and omniscient AND omni-benevolent being doesn't exist.

2 points

Whoever thumbed me down, come forward and say why. Everything I've said is true.

2 points

You have to believe that an all-powerful, all-seeing and all-knowing God would allow genocide, starvation, war,crime and poverty to go on

3 points

Agree that all gays, atheists and wiccans should be killed. Oh, and that a cosmic jewish zombie wants you to eat his flesh and drink his blood so you can live forever.

1 point

Yes, well... almost. I bet you can guess, that's right, religion.So many people have been misled by a MYTH, that they cannot see straight.

2 points

It is an argument against the existence of any major world religion's God. But not against the Good spirit in people and life that is manifest only when allowed to be. If not allowed, then evil comes forth.

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