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A Civil Religious Debate

Troy8's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Troy8's arguments, looking across every debate.
6 points

Why is this on the home page again?

2 points

That isn't even what this debate is about. It's completely irrelevant.

1 point

Well yes, I agree with you...but atheists think they're able to make one large generalization based on one verse out of context.

1 point

As much as I'd like to think this is true, I don't believe it is. Many of the atheists I've encountered here have argued strongly against the Judeo-Christian God, even supporting their arguments with Bible verses at times in their claims.

Of course you may say that the Judeo-Christian God is an immature notion, but then you'd be proving the point.

1 point

Atheists don't want to believe in God, because they are convinced he is not benevolent, just, or altruistic.

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