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A Civil Religious Debate

Raider's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I agree.…………………… sorry for all the periods i had to make it 50 characters.

1 point

Faith is having trust in something. Or beliving in something.

1 point

U are right in one part thatnis people miss use the word faith. It like the word love we miss use it all the time and yet we all belieave in it. And I have faith in God besides that I don't need faith in much else.

1 point

I disagree. Faith is a word often mistaken as something it's not. Faith is the believing in something then acting on it. There is those who say they have faith in something but their actions say other wise, those people give those who truly believe and act on a bad name. These people who don't truly believe are the only reason why people like itself say such thing. I think there is true faith out there, u just have to look in the right places.

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