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A Civil Religious Debate

Name's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Name's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Describe to me how gravity shapes the Earth; what is gravity; what all does gravity affect and how; why round; etc. I could do the same for the moon analogy, but I think you see my point.

2 points

Much of the energy is randomly lost with death. We cannot find a logical place for it to have gone. Also, the soul must go somewhere as it cannot have but dissapeared due to the laws of Thermodynamics.

1 point

Darwin said in The Origin of Man that evolution could not have happened without God, citing the complexity of the eye as a major example of how the human body alone must have had an intelligent designer. (read some Darwin)

1 point

Einstein, Darwin, possibly Bacon but I'm not sure, Price, Sandage, Flew, and Lewis, though he was a writer and philosopher.

2 points

Christianity does not serve to make one feel significant, but humble oneself. It brings meaning and clarity to an otherwise pointless life. Religion brings peace where it can, but it must bring seperation, however this and the other disasters would happen regardless.

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