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A Civil Religious Debate

Mister_Man's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

God showed him the path.

And God is all knowing, so for God to show this guy something means he is far from an idiot.

1 point

I won't assert that God (the one in any of the currently practiced religions) does not exist, but I will say the chance is so low that it's safe to assume he doesn't. Science has disproved religion on numerous occasions, proving the Bible is a book of metaphors and fairy tales. To still believe the Bible is right about God is kind of ridiculous. It's like saying "I understand a lot of the stories in the Bible are up to not only interpretation, but are meant to be metaphors, turning the Bible into a work of fiction, but hey let's still believe a couple of the things in it."

I haven't personally seen anything that supports the existence of God, so I will say it is safe to assume he probably doesn't exist.

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