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A Civil Religious Debate

LizziexLaura's Waterfall RSS

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Lol its true. You know so much. I like playing devils advocate with you.

That you KNOWexists? That contradicts your religion. God is a faith based God. He does not make himself know because through faith he is pleased. You cannot 100% truly know and God set it up that way. If you say you "KNOW" he exists you are contradicting the point of the faith.

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
3 points

Simple. How do you create something that is eternal and had been eternal and will be eternal and existed during all time on an infinite scale? You cant. You cant make an eternal being. You cant make something that existed before you.

How in the world do you logically create an eternal and ever existing being? You should know that is impossible.

You are avoiding the question sir.

You still didnt answer my question sir.

Scientists have already agreed that the universe would lose energy for each big bang. If I am pooping up stuff then tell me. What happened before the big bang and please only answer this question. I would like to see your response. Because even the biggest athiest I know cant guve me an answer.

No I think you should read my initial posts. My original argument was that if matter cannot create nor destroy itself then something must bring it into existense. Also I dont think I am "pooping" out anything. I am only stating this from a more universal perspective.

Of course I do not know you sir. But one thing is that you said "astronomi" so I must begin to assume things. Also I havent seen anything disproving an intelligent creator of any sort regardless of what humans may think.

Nobody has proof. That is the entire point of this debate which you seem to have failed in realizing.

Practically every single atom or molecule or boson or element out there in the solar system. It all works together like a computer system.

You still dont get the idea. The creator just made the universe and thats it. Evil is for humans. Death is for humans or any organism that understands it. You keep mentioning all of these human characteristics of the creator I speak of when all I said is that he spawned the universe and thats it. Never did I say he made humans. Never did I say he made thoughts or emotions or good or evil. Who cares how the creator acts the only thing I am arguing for is that one may exist regardless of his morals or what humans deem it as.

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