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A Civil Religious Debate

Kazerian2001's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kazerian2001's arguments, looking across every debate.

It was an acciden. I was rushing in the middle of class. Every times long on to this site I'm in school. Cut a guy some slack.

#1- There's too much Evidence of the Big Bang Theory!

#2- Too evidence of Evolution.

#3- Toumai or Saheleanthropus didn't worship God.

#4-No evidence proving that any of these "Gods" exist!

Jesus is a fraud. His story shares a lot of similarities with Horus, Hercules, and Krishna.if Jesus Christ was a savior he wouldn't have let Hitler kill off his own people, Jewish people. Jesus is so called a "god among men", he would have saved his own people from being killed off. But Christians says that the devil produced the holocaust. It's just a petty excuse to this "God's" errors. That's one reason why I'm Atheist.

The bible says that the Great Flood happened 2-3,000 years ago. The great flood did happen, but when the ice age ended. When all the ice caps melted in the ice age, water level sky rocketed.

The Bible has many errors. The Bible says describes Adam and Eve as Homo sapiens. Homo Sapiens evolves at least 400'000 years ago. The first Humans evolved from an ape along with Chimps, 6 million years ago, we call them hominids or pronto humans. They didn't worship god. That's a biblical error.

God was made by man. Evolution proves it. 6 million years ago, when hominids appeared they didn't worship god. All of the sudden when civilization forms we do.

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