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A Civil Religious Debate

IxI_rook_imi's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of IxI_rook_imi's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The morals we have are for the continuation of our civilization. The hope we have is that future generations will live better than we have. It is not us who has no hope. The concept of eternal afterlife should not be a prerequisite for doing good. I do not believe in God, heaven or Hell, yet, I do not lie, cheat, steal or murder. I do not do these things because I know them to be less than ideal when considering the future of the human race. I do not need the promise of an eternal paradise, nor the threat of eternal damnation to do what is right.

1 point

Spider-Man comics are irrefutable as well. Should we use them when determining how to lead our lives as well?

IxI_rook_imi(5) Clarified
1 point

I personally like to cite Master Yoda, Luke Skywalker, sometimes Mace Windu for my irrefutable proofs. I'm told that's acceptable.

1 point

I don't know if you're aware, but saturn's moon, Titan, is not in fact, Earth. As two completely separate bodies in space, they are entitled to different ages. Titan is also a moon, not a planetary body. And, uh, stop watching Jurassic park, nobody has dinosaur DNA.

IxI_rook_imi(5) Clarified
1 point

I read a book one time that said that God Himself was but a child and sibling to other divine beings, one who created humanity and told us that we were to believe in him and no others. Why would he say to believe in him and no others if He was the only one. God, if He exists, is a dictator who thrives on our blind fearful faith. Like any other dictator, He must be overthrown so that we, his subjects, can be free. On the other hand, God doesn't exist anyway, because if he did, he would have struck me down with fire and brimstone by now.

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