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A Civil Religious Debate

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1 point

What if I told you,

God is fake and your faggot?

You: Oh my! Everything is so clear now!

Me: Dumbass, finally understand huh?

-2 points
1 point

The big question is "If god exist then who created god?" And also According to the big bang theory, the universe began by expanding from an infinitesimal volume with extremely high density and temperature. The universe was initially significantly smaller than even a pore on your skin. With the big bang, the fabric of space itself began expanding like the surface of an inflating balloon – matter simply rode along the stretching space like dust on the balloon's surface. The big bang is not like an explosion of matter in otherwise empty space; rather, space itself began with the big bang and carried matter with it as it expanded. Physicists think that even time began with the big bang. Today, just about every scientist believes in the big bang model. he evidence is overwhelming enough that in 1951, the Catholic Church officially pronounced the big bang model to be in accordance with the Bible.

-1 points

"God exist" Proof please? All I see is a book that has been wrongly translated and changed within the years. Even then the whole entire book doesn't make sense. God said "Let there be light" So he somehow conjured up light and everything dealing with it? Nope, let science handle this one. Also one more thing, provide points not questions. You seem like a pasture trying to get laid by Christians. In my understanding god is supposedly our lord and if we disobey him he tortures us? Doesn't seem godlike to me. Also about your universe theory you say saying no god means there is no universe.

Not even close. Before the big bang there was no universe or time that god could have made the universe, there were no law of physics or any laws. For something to happen there must have been something earlier in time that caused that event. Asking if god made the universe is a stupid question itself. It's like asking wheres the edge of the earth. there is no possibility of a creator because there is no time for a creator to have existed. Since time itself began at the moment of the Big Bang, it was an event that could not have been caused or created by anyone or anything.

Some believe that God let the universe evolve by inserting a few laws that do not intervene with the laws in the universe. As long as the universe was created maybe we have a creator as well. If the the universe is completely self contained having no boundary or edge; would it mean there is no beginning nor ending. Don't try and put your little pea brain against this kind of mind, I am the best.

4 points

GOD is a figment of your imagination. Only if others would stop being dumbasses maybe we would be ahead in science and technology.

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