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A Civil Religious Debate

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0 points

You've said that 5 time. Did you even read what I said or are you just copying and pasting what you've said already? I said christians in general. Thats what you were just talking about. 5 minutes ago. Do you recall?

0 points

We were talking about Christians in general that do want to take part in this debate.

1 point

And to answer your second point...

On a debate that is about "does God exist' it is entirely reasonable to expect Christians to justify their belief. If you don't want do that then why post in this debate?

1 point

If someone makes a positive statement then yes the burden is on them to prove it e.g. "God exists". If someone a negative statement e.g. "God does not exist" then they do not have to prove it. The fact that there is no evidence that God does exist is sufficent enough to justify the logic "God does not exist". Its like for example someone saying " I don't believe in the Tessopglory monster of Antartica - he doesn't then have to prove that it doesn't exist - the fact that there is no evidence to suggest its existence is enough.

Do you understand anything of what I've just wrote?

0 points

Yeah I get it. You're refusing to answer the question 'Does God exist?'. Fine. This clearly isn't the debate for you then is it???

0 points

Okay so you haven't claimed God exists. Fair enough.

1 point

Fair enough so then you're not actually participating in this debate then... you're just a spectator? The question was 'does God exist'. What do you claim? Yes or no? If you're not going to commit to either then fair enough but that's what this debate is about.

1 point

So you don't claim that God exists? Fair enough. Let's not bring God or Yeshua up again then.

1 point

Fair enough. I'm not a physicist so I can't really argue with you on it. It is just quite difficult to believe that we can be absolutely sure that matter comes into existence without any cause. It would seem to me impossible to prove that there is no cause. I would have thought that the opinion would have been that we just don't know the cause of why matter comes into existence. But again i really don't know.

1 point

I'm sorry I don't understand. The point in doing what?

My point was that a rabbit that magically appears in the magicians could be said to appear out of no where, therefore it may seem like particles appear out of the no where but in reality there is some sort of cause. The same could debunk the theory you're talking about by saying there is a cause and we just don't know it yet.

5 points

To Dana and anyone else who says that atheists have to prove that God doesn't exist:

Its up to theists to prove that God exists not atheists to prove it doesn't. If I show you a rock in the middle of the USA and say "this keeps away tigers, prove to me it doesn't". I'm going to look like an idiot, which is what you look like everytime you say "prove that God doesn't exist.".

1 point

Particles are like rabbits then? When the magician pulls it out of the hat, I guess this proves that rabbits are usually born from their mothers but sometimes they just appear in magician's hats out of no where.

...Or maybe not. Maybe the magician is doing something we don't understand ust like the particles in the casimir effect ;)

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