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RSS Morganb

Reward Points:1
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2 points

So, God allowed the Holocaust to happen so that you could appreciate your kid being born or so that your daughter can appreciate a rainbow? a) that's just disgusting b) YOU DONT KNOW WHATS IN HIS HEAD iF HE DID EXIST

Where is the humility? Where is the "I don't know what he was thinking there". Oh no. Everyone has an answer. Everyone has insight into the "greatest mind that will ever be".

Think about this.. Our closest DNA relative is a large primate, the chimp. We are about 1-5% difference (depends on who you ask but just pick a number) from these guys. No monkey is going to compose a symphony or invent calculus. A monkey could never have any real or valuable insight into us. Seriously. Now imagine a God (who I'm sure you'd be happy to describe for us) who is beyond measure smarter than us. NOW try to picture your insight. Also, imagine you giving a damn about an insect crawling out of the ground. Now imagine God giving a damn about us if he did exist. But of course, we're here for the ant. And God is here for us?

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