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RSS Lynaldea

Reward Points:1231
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Of course I have no proof.

When did you not realize that faith is based upon, belief and faith? LOL You're a fucking troll account for the fun of it.


1 point

If you claim atheist "know" there is not a God, you are wrong. You're just as fucked up as any other believer (not including myself), whom "knows" for certain that there is a God. Believe what you may, and I believe in what I may.


I believe there is a God, and I feel that I "know" to myself there is at least one, however, for me to say to others that what they believe in is "wrong", would be lying. Yet, you sit here and lie to the world saying you "know" there is not a God because of "logic". Fuck logic. This is not about human logic. Logic is a biproduct of something. Do you understand?

You're just as crazy as the extremists of both religion and science.

I have no time, other than now, to speak to you.

This is the end.

1 point

Who are you nooby? Another troll account? LOL.

Let me make something clear.

The "dominos" I speak of are not merely human; they're space and time. That is, something was set in place and then the "first domino" was pushed, by X, Y, Z. After this "push", life began to form and evolve. And the rest is history. The one whom "pushed" the first domino, in my opinion, was/is not biased towards any human; humans have choice within this "domino effect". Where's my evidence? I don't know, look around. You must not see it. Oh! I'm sorry, since science hasn't "detected" it, it's not "real", right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA + infinity.

So, what are you attempting to refute, NEWBEE? lol. Another troll trying to fuck with me. Nothing new. You best move on.

1 point

The scientific community outright rejected the whole intelligent design idea!?

This is not accurate nor correct Mark. And you know this. You're assuming because a couple scientists claim one thing that it trumps the other. As far as I know it's about 50-50 right now.

Do your fucking research.

1 point

Whose religion says that, DanaForYeshua? If you're speaking of Christianity and the bible it does not state that God planned out our lives ahead of time; God says he "knows" what we're going to do before we do it; with the so-called "free-will" being present. Humans nonetheless make their choice based upon whatever is put in front of us and around us; nature and nurture obviously affecting how humans choose in the surroundings and with other subjects (humans).

You made yourself not believe. God wants you to believe in him. If you choose not to, that's on you.

Think of it as there were domino pieces (the game) lined up and set there by God. God then tips the first domino and observes the dominos go. The domino pieces represent all life and the motion of its existence in space, time and relativity, within the Universe. Humans are within this realm, everything is within the dominos. Humans make choices based upon the way of the current, of "God's Current of Life", and it (life) will go whichever way life intends to go, and humans cannot stop what's coming to it; though humans can make choices nonethesless, regardless of what's inevitably coming. And so, God sits back and intervenes in life all of the time. Those that believe in God, tend to notice something different and begin to see particular truths. God is always there, it's matter of perspective and choice.

And when I say God, I am not speaking directly and precisely of the christian God, necessarily. I am speaking for more of an overall higher-being-deity; perhaps of a God that is what all languages and various cultures and societies are speaking of.

0 points

Fuck off.

Believe in whatever you wish, if matters not to me.

We'll see who's right, in this life or the next.

1 point

All religion on any level is harmfull

Fuck you.

The End.

1 point

Vampires, unicorns, tooth fairy, these matter not. We're talking about God, not a philosophical debate about how to not prove something is there. You're the one clumping them altogether as if they're nearly the same thing. To you they're all fantasy, to me God is much more than a fantasy. To me, santa claus is a fantasy. To me, unicorn is a fantasy. There may be a few books and accounts for vampires, and perhaps one time one guy saw a unicorn, however, what does this have to do with me, amongst billions of people that believe in any God? Now we're talking apples and oranges, not fruit altogether.

Further, there are many more people that can agree that vampires, true vampires that can fly, that can drink blood to live, vampires that are 1,000 years old, do not exists. There are few people whom claim that unicorns exist.

And so on the premise, yes I am using numbers for this particular case to point on, no body gives a shit about vampires and unicorns and tooth fairies and santa claus, those are not important.

You, and others, are attempting to clump them all together and state "They're just the imagination of people, like people believing in santa claus, tooth fairy ect"... These things do not matter and are not valuable to the human being!

OBVIOUSLY, there holds more grounds and value when speaking about God. God in the sense of a "deity", or "creator", or whatever; GOD. God is far more valuable to a person than a fucking vampire!

And further, I can picture one saying "Well, just because it's valuable does not mean it exists" or "Just because billions of people believe it to be true, does not mean it exists" and so and so and so.

I agree. On the mere fact that people have MANY different Gods and the human imagination is almost infinite and is a wonderful thing. Who can prove that God is not real? Fuck the vampires, santa claus, and the others. Again, they hold little to no value.

However, to me and to many others in whatever God they believe in, God is real, and is tangible and is logical, and is rational. Who are you to say otherwise?

1 point


The point of this debate between you and I is simple.

You're giving your opinion on what you believe to be true.

I am giving my opinion on what I believe is true.

Both of us will find out who is correct eventually ; either through death or through life.

People have choices and you beg to differ, that's fine. I know I have a choice in what I believe. It's a shame you do not understand how much choice you have.

People do say and believe in "crazy" things, however, I do not. Nothing is crazy about me believing in God, it's as natural as my lungs needing the oxygen and as natural as my heart pumping automatically the blood and oxygen to my brain and the rest of my body.

Humans are curious creatures and believe in many things.

Are all beliefs in anything "correct"? Probably not. Are all beliefs in God, "correct"? Who knows? Perhaps, the fact that there are many Gods means that due to cultural indifferences and language and societal boundaries, we're all speaking of the same deity. Crazy? Nah. Observant to actuality? Yes.

Atheists are hardly a belief system that I worry about. Agnostics especially. Trust me, I have more atheist friends than I have religious friends. And trust me, they've got more logical and intelligent arguments than most atheists on this board. I'm almost positive all you've ran into in your life are "crazy" religious people, and then you assume that there is no "intelligent conversation", because you have the mindset that the masses of the people that utilize religious in a negative way; which allows you to think "Man, these people are crazy and hurtful to society".

Yes, I agree, the "crazy" ones are the ones using religion and spiritually to hurt society and manipulate people for the sake of control. You completely disregard the good in spirituality and religious thought; which makes your mindset limited and blind to actuality.

You're concerned for the future yet you're bashing religious thought and people that believe as if they're an infestation to our society. Hah! Hardly. Look in the mirror lately and analyses yourself? Quick to point the finger. Ahh, there it is.

1 point

D00d, pick and choose what you may. I read what you're writing and i understand completely.

I never claimed I know what God is thinking or deciding. It's what I choose to believe, there's a big difference, don't you see the difference? I'm not claiming anything other that what I believe to be truth. I'm not saying you're wrong and I am right. Right and wrong doesn't matter at this point in time. I choose to believe in what i believe in for various reasons that I care not to express over and over and over on this site full of fucking trolls and atheists and then there are the agnostics that say "no one knows for sure anything so I choose to not believe in anything". I've got a choice and I use my opportunity to choose to believe, unlike others. So be it.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Other

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