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A Civil Religious Debate

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brycer2012's Reward Points: 1002

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Do you think that schools should use computers in place of books?
1 Added Argument That we should prohibit building homes in areas prone to natural disasters.
1 Added Argument Are you a racist if you disagree with Barry Obama?
1 Added Argument Public School VS. Home School
2 Added Argument Should parents limit the ammount of time their children spend with friends?
3 Created Debate Driving with a dog in your lap
5 High Rated Argument Which country is better - England or U.S.A?
2 Added Argument yes homework or no homework
8 High Rated Argument Which country is better - England or U.S.A?
2 High Rated Argument Children's Beauty Pageants: Good or Bad?
1 Added Argument Should teachers in high school have a strict dress code??
5 Added Argument Which country is better - England or U.S.A?
5 Added Argument Which country is better - England or U.S.A?
6 High Rated Argument Are books or computers better for learning?
2 Added Argument Is it right for a person to be forced to marry because of there religion
1 Added Argument Is the internet a let down?
1 Added Argument Should U.S. adopt the "one-child" policy as well?
2 Added Argument Is lottery a great way to make money?
5 Added Argument Windmills In Lake Erie
1 High Rated Argument should christianity be taught in schools
2 Added Argument Can we eat junk food all the time and not get fat?
2 Added Argument The U.S. has a Bill of Rights but what we really need is a Bill of Wrongs
2 Added Argument Does US has the best legal system? And why yes or no?
2 Added Argument Does US has the best legal system? And why yes or no?

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