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A Civil Religious Debate

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atypican's Reward Points: 4873

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument debate vs discussions
2 Added Argument Should cocaine be legalized
5 Created Debate Is is possible to deceive oneself?
2 Added Argument Everything Changes VS Some things are unchanging
3 Added Argument Free Press Bible - A well thought out idea?
5 Created Debate Free Press Bible - A well thought out idea?
5 Created Debate Everything Changes VS Some things are unchanging
5 Created Debate If reality is infinite, we can't even imagine a fraction of what's possible
1 Added Argument Gratitude requires belief in free will
5 Created Debate Gratitude requires belief in free will
5 Created Debate Bitcoin will do to banks what e-mail has done to the postal service.
1 Added Argument Ferguson
5 Created Debate Our current banking/monetary system is corrupt
1 Added Argument Is freedom dead?
4 Added Argument Is freedom dead?
1 Added Argument Objective Moral Values and Evolution
5 Created Debate Is freedom dead?
4 Created Debate Do we have the right to remain silent in the US
5 Created Debate The quality of your collection of scriptures........
1 Added Argument If the Bible is to be an objective moral guide...
6 Added Argument Was JustIgnoreMe Clear about what he wanted to debate?
3 Added Argument Was JustIgnoreMe Clear about what he wanted to debate?
5 Created Debate Was JustIgnoreMe Clear about what he wanted to debate?
1 Added Argument Which is more likely to make you rethink your stance on a subject?
3 High Rated Argument Is the Bible useful as a FOUNDATION for morality?
5 Added Argument Regarding Bibles, Which is the smarter approach?
1 Added Argument Is the Bible useful as a FOUNDATION for morality?
1 Added Argument Was Joseph Smith a Prophet?
5 Created Debate Regarding Bibles, Which is the smarter approach?
1 Added Argument Does evil REALLY exist as a thing unto itself?
1 Added Argument Should there be a minimal amount of time dating before the proposal?
10 Added Argument Is the Bible useful as a FOUNDATION for morality?
1 Added Argument Can you delegate a 'right' to someone else that you don't have?
1 Added Argument If God spoke to a Christian, how would they know they're not crazy?
1 Added Argument What First Impression Do You Present
5 Added Argument How do you suppose we evolved from having god-kings to......
1 Added Argument If the correctional system worked instantly and was 100% effective. Yes or No.
5 Created Debate How do you suppose we evolved from having god-kings to......
1 Added Argument Are there situations where it would be better to be misinformed?
0 Added Argument Who justifies their beliefs more thoroughly?
1 Added Argument Is Lolzors a troll?
0 Created Debate Who justifies their beliefs more thoroughly?
5 Created Debate Are there situations where it would be better to be misinformed?
4 Added Argument Patriotism is a form of religious devotion
5 Created Debate Patriotism is a form of religious devotion
2 Added Argument Which is more harmful, Nationalism or Religion?
1 Added Argument Which is more harmful, Nationalism or Religion?
1 Added Argument Is it better to be forgiven, or held accountable?
4 Added Argument Is it better to be forgiven, or held accountable?
1 Added Argument "call-out culture"
5 Created Debate Is it better to be forgiven, or held accountable?
5 Created Debate Which is more harmful, Nationalism or Religion?
5 Created Debate "call-out culture"
4 Created Debate Our science is largely to blame for the poor state of our religion
1 Added Argument Do you believe your opinions are always right?
4 Created Debate You can still dislke and distrust someone you have forgiven
1 Added Argument Do you believe your opinions are always right?
1 Added Argument Planned profiting from an event complex that you perceive as terrible but inevit
1 Created Debate The stage is set for world domination
4 Added Argument Should we support the use of "Public Safety" drones??
1 Added Argument What is subjectively worse- having your heart broken, or falling out of love?
5 Created Debate Should we support the use of "Public Safety" drones??
5 Created Debate Planned profiting from an event complex that you perceive as terrible but inevit
1 Added Argument What most disgusts you about the USA?
1 Added Argument What did God do before he created the universe?
1 Added Argument Homosexual slippery slope argument. Agree or Disagree?
1 Added Argument Capitalism is very, very similar to feudalism
1 Added Argument does science prove creation or evolution?
2 Created Debate Religious Liberty = Intellectual Liberty
2 Added Argument Life needs a purpose.
3 Added Argument If it would not inconvenience you, and you have the ability, help?
1 Added Argument A feature that would be excellent for this site
1 Added Argument What is the purpose of debate?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are sovereign citizens rightly classified as terrorists?
1 Added Argument Are sovereign citizens rightly classified as terrorists?
4 Created Debate According to Chomsky, the US is "The Leading Terrorist State"
5 Created Debate A feature that would be excellent for this site
1 Added Argument Insulting others is not a sign of intelligence
-1 Downvoted Argument The thoughts I have shared about religion.
1 Added Argument To accept a definition as valid, is to accept it's intrinsic supposed truths
3 Added Argument The thoughts I have shared about religion.
-1 Downvoted Argument To accept a definition as valid, is to accept it's intrinsic supposed truths
9 Added Argument The thoughts I have shared about religion.
3 Added Argument Insulting others is not a sign of intelligence
1 Added Argument Is it possible to discuss....
5 Created Debate Insulting others is not a sign of intelligence
-1 Downvoted Argument Is it possible to discuss....
5 Created Debate The thoughts I have shared about religion.
-1 Downvoted Argument To accept a definition as valid, is to accept it's intrinsic supposed truths
6 Added Argument To accept a definition as valid, is to accept it's intrinsic supposed truths
10 Added Argument Did I out troll a troll here?
1 Added Argument Should I give up trying to seriously debate?
5 Created Debate Did I out troll a troll here?
5 Created Debate To accept a definition as valid, is to accept it's intrinsic supposed truths
6 Added Argument Should I give up trying to seriously debate?
5 Created Debate Should I give up trying to seriously debate?

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