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A Civil Religious Debate

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YouDontKnow's Reward Points: 79

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument What kind of genre of music do you like
5 Created Debate I was an omnipotent being before consuming a suplus of dark matter. Ask me anyth
4 Created Debate I cut myself shaving and quarks fell out. Does anyone know how to fix this?
5 Created Debate What to do?
-1 Downvoted Argument Democrat "Liberals" are anti-freedom
1 Added Argument Democrat "Liberals" are anti-freedom
-1 Downvoted Argument If were God, what would you have done differently?
-1 Downvoted Argument Natural rights truly do not exist
0 Added Argument Healthcare is a right.
1 Added Argument Natural rights truly do not exist
-1 Downvoted Argument The problem with the world
-1 Downvoted Argument Could life have started BEFORE Earth?
1 Added Argument The United States has lost its war prestige
1 Added Argument Should meditation and Tai Chi be taught in schools?
1 Added Argument Should we start war?
1 Added Argument Development programs hardly ever benefit the poor
1 Added Argument Voters should be given a choice of "None of the above"
1 Added Argument If climate change exists, what is the more likely scenario?
1 Added Argument How did life begin in your opinion
2 Created Debate Are you on NationStates?
1 Added Argument A woman does not have the right to abortion.
1 Added Argument Can the "Barter System" replace capitalism, within the United States?
2 Added Argument Do you support a flat tax?
2 Added Argument The United Nations Organisation is a toothless lion

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