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A Civil Religious Debate

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Nomoturtle's Reward Points: 858

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Was Joe Biden always a bumbling moron?
1 Added Argument Why do the Democrats want to dispense with compulsory identification at polling
2 Added Argument Gun control
6 Added Argument Should we discriminate against super straight people?
1 Added Argument Is it possible that Derek Chauvin might be acquitted. Are you for, or against it, and why.
1 Added Argument If you're white & born in Africa & become an American - are you an African American
1 Added Argument Your Best Plan to Reduce Poverty
1 Added Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
0 Added Argument Breastfeeding versus Bottle Feeding
0 Added Argument Breastfeeding versus Bottle Feeding
5 Created Debate Should the children of criminals be given the death sentance
1 Added Argument Why Does Nomoturtle Continuously Refuse To Seek Treatment For His Chronic Nazism?
1 Added Argument 7 gun Amarel bans anyone who disagrees with him
1 Added Argument Who is willing to get the Covid Vaccine?
1 Added Argument We need Trump back in order to spice things up here
1 Added Argument It isn't minorities the left supports. It supports black followers.
1 Added Argument Is this raw racism?;- Coca Cola tells it employees to ''try to be less white''.
1 Added Argument Took Biden less than two months to start bombing Syria again.
1 Added Argument Should abortion be legal?
1 Added Argument What was the the main contributory factor in Trump's downfall?
4 Added Argument Democrats slammed for doctoring evidence for impeachment trial
1 Added Argument You're right, I do know exactly what you mean.
1 Added Argument CNN slammed for lying about wallstreetbets Gamestop rebellion. They are the 1%
5 Created Debate Globalism

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