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A Civil Religious Debate

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KittenGirl's Reward Points: 172

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you believe the January 6, hearings will be widely viewed?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you believe the January 6, hearings will be widely viewed?
5 Created Debate Obama economist says price gouging bill will make shortages worse
1 Created Debate There are 2 genders shirts only offered in men's and women's. Can't make this up
2 Added Argument Do you believe the January 6, hearings will be widely viewed?
2 Created Debate I saw ABC post a Jan 6th video. Apparently even most Democrats don't care
1 Created Debate Black support for Biden falls to 57%
2 Added Argument Black people are beginning to see what the Democratic Party establishment really is
1 Added Argument Are we being poisoned?
1 Created Debate If men can compete with women, why have women's sports at all
2 Created Debate Do peaceful protests create hundreds of millions of dollars in damages
1 Added Argument Did The Communists Fund Hitler? Or Was It The Capitalists?
5 Created Debate Can you like someone of another race & view yourself as superior to them?
-1 Downvoted Argument Mitt Romney's connection to Communist China
-1 Downvoted Argument Communist China is stealing peoples' labor as slaves. Burritolunch defends them
-1 Downvoted Argument Communist China is stealing peoples' labor as slaves. Burritolunch defends them
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Governments Are Being Taken Over By Robot Ninja Alien Lizards. Libs Say And Do Nothing.
-1 Downvoted Argument Is there virtue in despising your country?
5 Created Debate Is it evil to tolerate evil?
5 Created Debate Are Christians commanded to be tolerant in the Bible?
3 Created Debate Is the God of the Bible tolerant or intolerant by Liberal standards?
1 Added Argument What will you do if America goes into quarantine lockdown?
1 Added Argument What will you do if America goes into quarantine lockdown?

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