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A Civil Religious Debate

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Kitk34's Reward Points: 185

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
-1 Downvoted Argument What does Freedom mean?
10 Added Argument What does Freedom mean?
5 Created Debate What does Freedom mean?
2 Added Argument Does evil REALLY exist as a thing unto itself?
5 Added Argument I hereby decree that 2+2 now equals 5
5 Created Debate I hereby decree that 2+2 now equals 5
5 Created Debate Do you have a moral obligation to do something that your own judgment tells you
-1 Downvoted Argument
10 Added Argument Can you delegate a 'right' to someone else that you don't have?
5 Created Debate Can you delegate a 'right' to someone else that you don't have?
1 Created Debate Independence Outlawed?
-1 Downvoted Argument When has Anarchy worked?
1 Added Argument Free Markets VS State Control
10 Added Argument When has Anarchy worked?
1 Added Argument Charlie Rose/Bashar Al Assad Full Interview
7 Added Argument Should an ethics subject be compulsory in every level of education?
1 Added Argument Freemasons/Lucifers/Illuminatee/Kabbalists/etc./etc.
1 Added Argument Should People Own Guns In Their Homes?
1 Added Argument Is the death penalty hypocritical?
2 Added Argument What is the solution to Capitalism
3 Added Argument Can you figure out what this is?
5 Created Debate Can you figure out what this is?

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