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A Civil Religious Debate

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HoneyPie7's Reward Points: 90

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate White privilege fully debunked by a back woman
5 Created Debate Do you think being a police officer is a stressful job?
3 Created Debate People who support quarantine camps think you are the Nazi
1 Added Argument How much was your integrity & principles worth in 2019? A bag of peanuts
4 Created Debate What is it about leftists that makes them want to die their hair green and pink
2 Created Debate Watching white Libs go full KKK on any free thinking black person is hard to see
1 Created Debate Same libs promoting free healthcare demand u get Covid healthcare for not free
2 Created Debate How do you feel about stories being censored that we now know are true?
1 Created Debate Johnson and Johnson is one of Facebook's biggest sponsors
1 Created Debate Are the politicians and the media of the Democratic Party actually Liberal?
1 Added Argument Why are multi national warships emassing in the South China Sea
1 Created Debate Why do India and Indian Americans hate Joe Biden?
1 Added Argument The left says listen to black people, but won't listen to blacks who aren't Democrats
1 Added Argument In defense of fake news
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument Should truck drivers not deliver to cities who 'defund the police'?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Left cancels Hattie McDaniel, first black person to win an Oscar
-1 Downvoted Argument Left cancels Hattie McDaniel, first black person to win an Oscar

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