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A Civil Religious Debate

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HighFalutin's Reward Points: 3402

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate People Who Don't Pay Taxes Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote.
1 Added Argument Is EVERYTHING knowable?
1 Added Argument Are Wealthy people better than Smart People?
-1 Downvoted Argument Black guys keep getting killed in Democrat cities. Why is that?
-1 Downvoted Argument Black guys keep getting killed in Democrat cities. Why is that?
1 Added Argument How dangerous is the F.B.I.,'s intention to override & supersede the Bill of Rights?
1 Added Argument Should I Be Given the Legal Right To Punch Excon In The Face?
1 Added Argument If your tags are expired, is it better to get a ticket in the mail, or get pulled over?
1 Added Argument Were the Chinks right for reprimanding us for shooting down their spy balloon?
1 Added Argument Well... this didn't age well
1 Added Argument Black guys keep getting killed in Democrat cities. Why is that?
1 Added Argument Is Islam peaceful?
1 Added Argument Does white privilege exist, and if so how does it manifest itself?
1 Added Argument Bernie Sanders charges $100 per person for anti Capitalism event
1 Added Argument Remembering when Excon said a right wing extremist attacked the Pelosi home
5 Added Argument The MURDER of Tyre Nichols. Officer safety or a cold blooded killing?
1 Added Argument Remember when being woke just meant you had your cup of coffee
1 Added Argument Trump is gonna get away with it - ALL of it, and the Dems are to blame.
1 Added Argument Knowledge and money
1 Added Argument Are Native Americans truly native to their land, or are they immigrants?
1 Added Argument Biden classified documents scandal has exploded in his face
2 Added Argument Powerful Manhood/Penis Enlargement Treatment +27837415180 Lesotho Swaziland South Africa
1 Added Argument Many areas in America are filing for secession from the state they are in

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