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A Civil Religious Debate

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ExKhan's Reward Points: 47

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument I may have molested some little kids last night
2 Created Debate Nom can't tell the difference between Brontoraptor & Fact Machine
2 Added Argument Who all knew that the lefties would go gunning for Elon Musk, which they now are?
5 Created Debate Does a baby have a Constitutional right to not be murdered?
1 Added Argument Have you heard about American Redoubt? It's a white supremacist wanna be state in Idaho
1 Added Argument If Americans can't count on a right to abortion, why do they think gun ownership is safe?
1 Added Argument If Merrick Garland charges Trump and LOSES, will Trump be ruler for life?
1 Added Argument After Biden's oil begging visit to Saudi how many more humiliations must we suff
2 Created Debate Despite finding out his symbol is a far right, anti Islamic symbol, Excon kept it
3 Created Debate How exactly the Chinese own & control the US media
3 Added Argument The same Chinese owned US media that loved protests for years now hates them
5 Created Debate Excon changed his symbol to a far right, nationalist anti Islamic symbol
1 Added Argument When you say black lives matter, why doesn't that apply to black Republicans?
-1 Downvoted Argument Burritolunch's nonsensical Utopianism
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Can you be a christian and still believe in evolution? Elaborate answers only
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument When does the left think it becomes Trump's economy?
1 Added Argument Can right wingers provide one example of an establishment democrat socialist?
5 Created Debate Spain Has No Government For 10 Months - Economy Grows, Unemployment Falls To 18.
1 Created Debate Excon has been caught in the act
0 Downvoted Argument Think about how messed up Nom is for a minute
0 Downvoted Argument Think about how messed up Nom is for a minute
1 Added Argument So Sick Of America's Culture Of Military Worship

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