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A Civil Religious Debate

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Dreadnought's Reward Points: 6

Points When What Where
0 Downvoted Argument Satan's the Father of all lies. Another-alt has lied about me, proving he serves the Devil
0 Downvoted Argument Satan's the Father of all lies. Another-alt has lied about me, proving he serves the Devil
0 Downvoted Argument Ellen Page is still a real woman. Bruce Jenner is still a real man. Cry me a river!
0 Downvoted Argument Mad Science is a real issue now. The Van Helsings will hear of this madness!
0 Downvoted Argument Mad Science is a real issue now. The Van Helsings will hear of this madness!
0 Downvoted Argument Transgenderism is sexist, harmful & a crime. Cry me a river & get over it.
0 Downvoted Argument Common Sense needs to return to Society. The Justice League approaches.
0 Downvoted Argument Common Sense needs to return to Society. The Justice League approaches.
0 Downvoted Argument Common Sense needs to return to Society. The Justice League approaches.
0 Downvoted Argument Transgenderism is sexist, harmful & a crime. Cry me a river & get over it.
0 Downvoted Argument Transgenderism is sexist, harmful & a crime. Cry me a river & get over it.
0 Downvoted Argument Transgenderism is sexist, harmful & a crime. Cry me a river & get over it.
0 Downvoted Argument Transgenderism is sexist, harmful & a crime. Cry me a river & get over it.
-1 Downvoted Argument Trigger warning: Is abortion, murder?
-1 Downvoted Argument Trigger warning: Is abortion, murder?
-1 Downvoted Argument Common Sense needs to return to Society. The Justice League approaches.
-1 Downvoted Argument Common Sense needs to return to Society. The Justice League approaches.
0 Downvoted Argument Let's Talk Intersex & Birth Defects. No, it is not new genders.
0 Downvoted Argument God does not accept the proud sinners. That includes the sexually immoral.
0 Downvoted Argument God does not accept the proud sinners. That includes the sexually immoral.
0 Downvoted Argument Another-Alt doesn't seem to get it. He is offended by facts and cries about it.
0 Downvoted Argument Another-Alt doesn't seem to get it. He is offended by facts and cries about it.
0 Downvoted Argument Abortion is immoral. Baby lives are human lives. This is non-negotiable.
0 Downvoted Argument Abortion is immoral. Baby lives are human lives. This is non-negotiable.

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