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A Civil Religious Debate

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Apolline's Reward Points: 197

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate This is just how racist white Democrats are
5 Created Debate Is there such a thing as too far for the left?
0 Created Debate Should we abolish the police?
2 Created Debate Footage of Nom on his first date
4 Created Debate The Obama Presidency was so bad that I died twice
5 Created Debate Are Democrats trying to get Iran to attack US to get Trump into a war?
1 Added Argument Malek Ta'us
-1 Downvoted Argument Which would you prefer?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which would you prefer?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Which would you prefer?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which would you prefer?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which would you prefer?
1 Added Argument If you wanna take our guns are you the enemy of America?
2 Added Argument What's With All The Knife Crime In The UK At The Moment?
1 Added Argument How do American courts reach these two totally different conclusions?
1 Added Argument If climate is about to kill us why hasn't left prepared for the impending doom
5 Created Debate Any blacks owed reperations from other blacks?
3 Added Argument the amount of racism on this site is unreal
1 Added Argument Socialism in the USA is it a good thing?
1 Added Argument "State Capitalism" is a Socialist term. Here's why
1 Added Argument Guns should be legal
2 Added Argument Should the Bible be taken literally?
1 Added Argument Michael Cohen claims he knows of 'other illegal acts' committed by Trump

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