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A Civil Religious Debate

Icwhyte's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Icwhyte's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

you are just rude! This is a debate so try debating! Don't just hurl insults you ignoramus. Didn't your mother ever teach you "if you don't have something nice to say then say nothing at all"

1 point

I believe that many factors change the belief in god/s, in the beginning gods where a way to explain the unexplainable, later they where used to conquer fear i.e. medicine was severely lacking and people died at birth, young ages and of diseases that we can now cure with a pill, god was needed to give comfort that if you die you will go to a better place. These days, except for the few fundamentalists around, we can have a good and fulfilling life on earth and no reason to wish for an after life as this one is good enough and just getting better year by year.

The most religious people in the world are always the poorest, must subjugated, most prone to death because of a lack of medicine/technology or have an overbearing religious culture, that says if you don't believe we will shun/kill you (like Saudi Arabia, where i currently live).

In short: good, healthy life = less belief in god,

poor, diseased, suffering life = more belief in god, or at least the hope that there has to be something better than this crap!

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