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A Civil Religious Debate

Iamdavidh's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Iamdavidh's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

You can do that with anything.

A unicorn is a can opener.

Can openers exist.

Unicorns exist.

3 points

God doesn't communicate

A being that does not communicate is not to be trusted... nor are those who trust in this untrustworhty individual


"raining cats and dogs" is a metaphor

it doesn't rain cats an dogs

metaphors are a backwards ass way to prove something


1 point

So you heard from someone who heard from someone who I'm assuming heard from someone...

Jesus Christ, Zeus, Buddha, Flying Spaghetti Monster and Allah.

The sad thing is you probably don't see the irony.

The whole thing is a mummer's farce. If there were a god he'd be laughing in jester's attire and religion would be his greatest prank.

1 point

Sure, if you change the definition of god anyone could be anything.

If I hate carrots but change the definition of carrots to apple pie, I suddenly don't hate carrots.

1 point

That's weird:



I see nothing about "government having power over evil men."

I think it is more likely a lack of belief in boogymen and divine beings naturally leads to a humanistic view of life, whereby people are neither trembling perpetually in fear of never-ending hellfires nor gov'ment agents stealing our socks in our sleep.

Thus when government isn't seen as some evil ominous being but a human tool, and a tool that within a democracy at least we have some say in how it is used, can often be a good thing.

Scary, I know ._.

1 point

Just one? Jeesh, that's a hard choice.

I guess the lord's name in vain. What does an all powerful being care what someone says about him? Besides, by the definition anytime anyone ever prayed for anything that didn't happen it was "in vain" technically, making christians just about the worst sinners around I think.

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