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A Civil Religious Debate

WizardDevil's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

Wow, personal attacks? Nice argument. Point proven. I'm done.

0 points

Sorry to be 'that guy', but this seems like a pointless debate. Who cares about the terminology? Is that truly what we're fightng for? It sounds to me like we're trying to hold onto a word. Come on. If we're worried people will confuse us, atheists, people who simply lack a belief in God, with the ardent New Atheists and others of that kind, then let's come up with a new term that refers to what we are. We're not going to be able to change people's viewpoint of what an atheist is simply because we deserve it, because ardent God haters use the terminology wrong. They want the term, and sociologically, they have it. Get over it. Come up with something new.

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