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A Civil Religious Debate

NuclearFish's Waterfall RSS

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Consider this: God created us in his own image. That means many things, including our capability to create things (hence the domain name). He gave us a free mind, a free will, and the ability to create. God lives in perfection, creating nothing against himself "A house divided amongst itself cannot stand." (Lincoln was quoting scripture when he said that, by the way)

The ability to think and create of our volition. Why would he do that? The answer goes beyond Genesis and into the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus instructs the crowd on the mountain to love their enemies. Challenging them with this revelation (paraphrase): "If you love those who love you, what have you done? Even the worst sinners do that." Check it out, we have the choice to do evil things, but the greater moment is when one has the capacity for evil and overcomes it, choosing God over something else. God blessed us with a choice, and gave us the ability to create, as he created.

To say that humans cannot create on their own is not even scripturally correct. I'm sure even you believe you can formulate an idea. Those ideas that are not in accordance with the nature of God (in other words, those devices made by man that are wicked in nature) are what encompasses the concept of evil. Yes God created the universe and everything in it, but he also created us with the ability to create. Evil was not his invention, but our own.

0 points

Again, misunderstanding of Christian beliefs. God created Lucifer, who was the angel responsible for leading the worship of God in Heaven. He was a musician, un-matched. Lucifer, like all Angels, was given free-will, a mind of his own. Using that free-will, Lucifer began to be too prideful in his work and began to praise himself above God. For this, God rebuked him, but Lucifer held contempt for that and fell from Grace, taking many with him. When God created Adam and Eve, Lucifer's first idea was to screw that up.

God does not make evil decisions, despite those decisions already existing. That's right, evil is NOT an aspect of the God who created the universe, but a choice, a choice that He had but never took. This is proven in scripture through the life of Jesus, who was tempted, as Adam and Eve were, in the desert during a fast. Jesus, however, refused to give in to that temptation. Jesus, being the phsycial manifestation of God, was tempted by evil- so too was God. To say that God created evil is silly. Evil is an IDEA, an idea that already existed, the same as good. Evil is a choice, not a power one bestowes upon someone, not a trait one can pass by way of creation or biology, it is a result of freed mind, a consciousness that is capable of making decisions- rational or irrational.

0 points

You didn't real the Bible at all did you? Adam and Eve were made without evil to begin with. Eve was tricked into having the knowledge of good and evil by the serpent, who is Satan. Understand the beliefs you critique before you make a completely off-the-wall comparison.

Most religions, mine included, subscribe to the belief that God gave mankind free will. WE choose evil. God does not condone it, but he does forgive it.

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