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A Civil Religious Debate

Libertarian1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Libertarian1's arguments, looking across every debate.

"First off this was a phone poll" this is but one poll of many that all have the same result, and when I have the opportunity to use a desktop computer I will be more then happy to post more polls. "Often people claim to be Catholic, " if they believe themselves to be part of that religion, then they are. Just as atheists have those who simply don't care if there is god religion has those that don't follow standards of their religion. All represent a base and even through that, atheists overall have a greater understanding of religion then the common believer. "In conclusion, this is only misinformation and not factual." Your logic accomplishes nothing for your argument. According to you, no poll ever taken could be taken seriously.

"There mind is as blank as their pamphlet." christians.html

I half expect you to say you were joking.

Or perhaps the poll was fixed by the atheist war machine?


A= without

Theist=belief in the existence of a god or gods

Therefor: Atheist=without belief in the existence of a god or gods.

Therefore atheism is the lack of belief in a deity. Hard to see how people could get that mixed up.

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