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A Civil Religious Debate

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0 points

That does not even make sense...We are not perfect beings,we will not be perfect until we are take into God's arms once more. God made us imprefect because he sent us here to learn. If we were perfect then there would be no need for learning or to be here.

1 point

I think it would be good for you to read the book of job in the bible, not for spiritual reasons nessisarily but because it shows true humility. Trail is also how we show our algence to God. Think about this, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormon as we are often called.

Our first modern prophet, Joseph Smith Jr. went through hell to bring our church to the world. We were driven from state to state in a countary that claimed to have religious freedom, and yet we never let go of our God. We were persecuted and killed for sport. Our leaders were tared and feathered, our members tossed into jail for mearly believeing in the Book of Mormon. Our prophet lost 3 children when they were very young to illness and he was martered in Liberty Jail along with his brother and some other leaders of our church at the time, now years and years later we are a thriveing church with many many memebers world wide because of the sacrifices that Joseph Smith made. Yes it is sad that children and others get cancer or have other illnesses, It makes me very sad but illness is part of life and everyone's situation is different. My older sister died as a baby, I feel sorry that I will never know her,but I take comfort in knowing that God has taken her into his care and she is happy and safe.

1 point

I agree whole heartedly with this comment. God gave us the amazing gift of acency, to do with our lives as we wish to. That does not mean he is ok with the bad choices we make, but he does understand that we are human and make mistakes, through his son we can be forgiven again.

1 point

Ok so here are the thoughts that ran through my head as I read this.

1)Why would God prevent evil if evil is how we learn?

2)God is not willing but not malevolent because evil is a nessisary part of life.

3)He isn't willing,see statement #2.

4)He is able but not willing,once again, see statement #2.

We have to remember we cannot put God in a box, he does not think like we do, his thoughts are not our thoughts. We do not have all the information of the world and the hearts of every man on earth like he does. We do not comprehend everthing he understands, that is why he is God.Evil is part of our lives,without it we would not know good. Without evil we couldn't know what good is because it would not be there. It is similar to the phrase, without trial,heartache and unhappiness there would not be happiness. We would never learn and grow if everything in this world was good. Think about the Revelutionary War, without that the United States of America would never have been created. Our forefathers would never have steeped themselves so fully in the study of what freedom is and we would be under the rule of Great Britan. Without evil or bad there is no good. God would never take that knowledge that he gave to Adam and Eve away from us.

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